Usually the person answering the phone at a law firm is not an attorney. And secretaries are often instructed to avoid bothering the attorneys with potential / new clients. Intake agents and "appointment setters" are trained to get you to retain BEFORE you speak with the attorney.
Let's suppose you ARE able to speak with a licensed attorney before you sign up, they may be hesitant to give out even the most basic information without a retainer. And the minimum retainer cost can put legal services out of reach to many consumers. This syndrome occurs not only because attorneys don't want to give out free advice, but also because they may have liability concerns of their own.
But Who Needs an Attorney is a consulting service, giving you access to info and advice without the high price tag. We are not afraid to talk freely about your problem and tell you what we think. And you'll hear back from our staff within 1 hour, and be on the phone with an attorney within 24 hours. No missing deadlines while you are seeking representation. No long weeks of anxiety. If it turns out that you DO need an attorney, we can help you understand what you are paying for, and how the billing is structured. This knowledge in invaluable.